When placing orders, you can use funds from your account to save having to enter your card details each time you place an order.
To do this, first access the ‘Payments’ tab on the navigation pane on the left of the portal
You will then land on our payments page. On here you will see a transaction history of recently placed orders, newly added titles and any top ups that have been made to the account.
On the right hand side, you will be able to see your remaining balance on your account, and also a area to top up your account. We have some pre-selected amounts to top up, or you can select ‘Other’ and add type in your own.
This will take you onto our payment portal, you would have to fill in your card details and press ‘Pay’.
After making payment, you will be able to see on your transaction history that this payment has been added, and also see increase in your ‘Available Funds’ in the top right. When placing an order, you can now select ‘Use Funds’, to use this balance instead of having to input your card details in again.